Community Christian School

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Lunch Vendors

Lunch Menus are posted, and ordering on FACTS is now open. 
Go to the Family Portal, and under the Students tab, select the Lunch tab. Once there, choose the child you will be ordering for. This will take you to the lunch calendar. You must move to August 19th, and then the entire first quarter will display. From there, select + Web Order. A drop-down menu should appear where you can select what you would like to order for each day. Once you have selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit Order. At this point, your total should appear, and you may select how you wish to pay for the items you have ordered. Orders must be paid for at the time of purchase. No lunch credits or billing will take place this year. If your student forgets their lunch, we will have some food on hand to ensure they are not going without lunch, but this is a limited selection. No orders for lunch can be placed after 6:30 AM for the current day. Also, no orders can be placed at the office for same-day meals. Students who wish to purchase snacks from the lunchroom must pay in cash at the counter. 
Other restaurants may be added over time, but this is the first quarter's selection. Additionally, fruit, hot pockets, some chips, water, and tea will be available at the lunch counter daily. You may select those on the FACTS menu or send money with your student to pay at the time of purchase.